14 June, 2008

Winter planting

I have never really bothered with a winter garden. Usually I hibernate inside during winter but decided it was silly letting the ground go to waste over winter. So have planted some broccoli, cauliflower, red onions and ... 25 silver beet seedling (some for us.. some for the chooks!).

You can see my strawberries down the end and off to the side out of view are my raspberry canes.

Yeah I know...snail pellets aren't exactly organic but it was all I had on hand and wanted them to make it through the night..lol I have since started using a mixture of 1 part strong expresso coffee to 10 parts water.. so far so good!


I have tried broccoli and cauli's before but never had much success. On consulting with a friend in the know I have discovered that they were lacking fertiliser .. I use to fertilise them for a while after they were first planted and then stopped.. DUH. So I am working on a lovely brew of chook poo and water to feed them with.



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