14 June, 2008

My girls...

I have always wanted to keep chickens. Just never had the time or space or... whatever reason was about at the time. Until last year.

I have no idea on breeds.. except for the one at front, Dame Edna.. (yes they all have names!) who apparently is the product of a polish bantam and a rooster .. of some description LOL. Her and the three to the left at the back are my original girls that we started out with last year. They had a little A frame house that we threw together one weekend but now have a 7m x 1m run behind the shed. We were given four more chooks earlier this year. We lost one to unknown causes and two were ROOSTERS. Living in town the roosters unfortunately had to go. We're hoping to add some new young ladies to the coup in the near future.

Eggs.. we we were getting an average of 3 eggs a day when we had the four. At the moment I am getting 1 egg a day, which I beleive is from my trusty Dame Edna (she's my favourite.. dont tell the others). Hoping they will start producing again when the days start getting longer.

My dream would be to let them totally free range but atm we have two problems.. the dogs would try to eat them and I really do love my gardens too much to let them pick them to bits! I am looking into a portable pen that I could keep them contained in and let them pick at certain area or the yard while keeping a barrier between them and the dogs. Also hoping to enlarge their run some. All in good time.



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